Monday, May 19, 2008

Good-bye blog (for now)

I haven't been feeling like blogging lately. It's kind of sad. The xbf, yet current bff, asked me why, and I said, well, I just don't feel like sharing my life with the rest of the world anymore. He laughed and said that's how he always felt! And the girlfriend, she somehow lacks complete understanding for it, including such stuff like Facebook. Which is also kind of sad, but, whatever. it's not the reason I'm stopping. I like wasting my time on Facebook, and it requires less commitment and maintenance than a blog, so, that's where I'll be for now. I used to love blogging, and write about everything, and made wonderful friends, but lately, it seems like an obligation, my words don't flow, and even just taking pictures seems like an additional task I have to deal with, instead of fun. I don't even want to deal with installing WordPress with my new webhost. So I'm giving myself permission not to blog for a while. I may be back one day and I'll keep reading.