But anyway, 3 biopsies later, one with 8 samples, my doctor said it's for sure that I have a fibroadenoma. I *heart* fibroadenomas! Mostly because they never turn into cancer, and I'm quoting the doctor here. He said I could have it taken out if it freaks me out, but I could just as well choose to keep it. I'm keeping it, because the thought of having it removed freaks me out even more than it does to have it in me. Also, I now have a clip in my boob, so they'll know exactly where to check next time I have a mammogram. So, all is well.
I don't feel like blogging much lately. I've gone in and out of phases keeping diaries all my life. Maybe this is a phase where I don't need one. I've been knitting, but taking pictures of my knitting is such a PITA, that's what usually keeps me from it.
I've finished the little Norwegian baby sweater for my landlord's son. He is in Brazil now - I'm sure his Mom's family will love the ski theme - or not! But it made me feel good to make a sweater for such a new little person on this planet. This is his Dad holding it, but I decided to cut off his head rather than explain the fact that I blog and oh yeah, would it be OK if I posted this picture of you holding this sweater? I don't think so.

I made the 3-6 months size, and finished it exactly when the little guy was 3 months, so I'm hoping it will fit. More than that, I'm hoping I'll get to see him wear it!
I've also finished and am wearing the purple sweater, which will probably remain unmodelshot unphotographed forever. But here it is. It has a zipper now. Honest.

And, I've finished something totally cute for my girlfriend - the pink spirally knee socks from IK Summer 07.

You see, she's from Texas and likes to wear her cowgirl boots. (Though she likes it to be known that she never owned a pair while living there and never wants to go back, either.) She's getting this for her big birthday, which is coming up, so this is the picture I liften from IK - not her legs. We had a little bit of a tough time on Valentine's Day. I'm just saying that day doesn't exist for me anymore. Completely disappeared from my calendar! But after we got over our little spat, she gave me the Knitting Lingerie Style book. It's very inspiring. So I know what I'm making next!
Love y'all. I may blog more when she's wearing them and when I have yarn for my new project.
Great health news! YEAH!
Nice to read you again!
I know what you mean about the "not needing to blog right now" phase - I think that's the same thing I'm going through; life is busy and fun and challenging, but not much happening to write home about, or much that needs to be put on paper to help yourself think through.
I've never made anything in Cascade 220 - your ribbys (and other utilitarian wear) are pretty inspiring, and I may need to change my stance on that soon. ;)
Great news on the fibroadenoma! Yeah for benign lumps ;-)
What is that sweater pattern? I like it better than the original ribby.
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